Source code for pynsot.client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Simple Python API client for NSoT REST API.

The easiest way to get a client is to call ``get_api_client()`` with no
arguments. This will read the user's ``~/.pynsotrc`` file and pass the values
to the client constructor::

    >>> from pynsot.client import get_api_client
    >>> api = get_api_client()
    >>> api

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import getpass
import json
import logging
import os

from .vendor import click
from .vendor.requests.auth import AuthBase
from .vendor import slumber
from .vendor.slumber.exceptions import HttpClientError

from .util import get_result
from . import constants, dotfile

__author__ = 'Jathan McCollum'
__maintainer__ = 'Jathan McCollum'
__email__ = ''
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Dropbox, Inc.'

# Logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = (
    'ClientError', 'LoginFailed', 'BaseClient', 'EmailHeaderAuthentication',
    'EmailHeaderClient', 'AuthTokenAuthentication', 'AuthTokenClient',
    'get_auth_client_info', 'get_api_client'

class ClientError(HttpClientError):
    """Generic client error."""

class LoginFailed(ClientError):
    """Raised when login fails for some reason."""

[docs]class BaseClient(slumber.API): """ Magic REST API client for NSoT. """ authentication_class = None def __init__(self, base_url=None, **kwargs): self._base_url = base_url auth = kwargs.pop('auth', None) # Ditch default auth self.default_site = kwargs.pop('default_site', None) # Default site_id self.api_version = kwargs.pop('api_version', None) # API version log.debug('Using api_version = %s' % self.api_version) # Override the auth method if we have defined .get_auth() if auth is None: # Set these as object attributes so that they can be mutated in the # subclass. We want subclasses to be able to pop items off of the # kwargs before they're passed to BaseClient. self._kwargs = kwargs auth = self.get_auth(client=self) kwargs['auth'] = auth kwargs['append_slash'] = True # Append slashes! super(BaseClient, self).__init__(base_url, **kwargs) # Store auth and headers for use later. self._auth = auth self._headers = self._store['session'].headers def _fetch_resources(self): """Fetch resources from API""" headers = self._headers auth = self._auth api_root = self._base_url + '/' r = slumber.requests.get(api_root, auth=auth, headers=headers) if r.ok: return r.json() else: msg = r.json().get( 'error', 'Error fetching API resources. Is auth OK?' ) raise ClientError(msg) def _populate_resources(self, resources=None): """ Use `resources` to populate ... resources. :param resources: A list or dict containing resource names """ if resources is None: raise TypeError('Resources must be iterable') # Iterate the resource names, and set a local attribute name using the # resource method we retrieved from the API. for resource_name in resources: resource = getattr(self, resource_name) setattr(self, resource_name, resource)
[docs] def get_auth(self, **kwargs): """ Subclasses should references kwargs from ``self._kwargs``. :param client: Client instance. Defaults to ``self``. """ if self.authentication_class is None: raise NotImplementedError( 'Define authentication_class in a subclass!' ) client = kwargs.get('client') return self.authentication_class(client=client)
[docs] def error(self, exc): """ Take errors and make them human-readable. :param exc: Exception instance """ log.debug('Processing error: %r' % (exc,)) # If it's a HTTP response, format the JSON try: try: err = exc.response.json()['error'] except ValueError: # This is probably a JSON decoding error msg = exc.message else: msg = '%s %s' % (err['code'], err['message']) except AttributeError: msg = str(exc) raise ClientError(msg)
[docs] def get_resource(self, resource_name): """ Return a single resource object. :param resource_name: Name of resource """ return getattr(self, resource_name)
def __repr__(self): cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ return '<%s(url=%s)>' % (cls_name, self._store['base_url'])
[docs]class BaseClientAuth(AuthBase): def __init__(self, client): """ Any subclasses must accept ``client`` as the first argument. Kwargs come from the client so that they can be mutated and will be available as ``self.kwargs`` on authentication subclasses. Additionally, you must also subclass ``__call__``. """ self.client = client self.base_url = client._base_url self.api_version = client.api_version self.kwargs = client._kwargs
[docs] def append_api_version(self, request): """Append API version into Accept header.""" headers = request.headers accept_header = headers.get('accept') # If the header exists if accept_header: version_value = ';version={}'.format(self.api_version) headers['accept'] += version_value
def __call__(self, r): if self.api_version is not None: self.append_api_version(r) return r
[docs]class EmailHeaderAuthentication(BaseClientAuth): """Special authentication that sets the email auth header.""" def __init__(self, client): super(EmailHeaderAuthentication, self).__init__(client) email = self.kwargs.pop('email', None) default_domain = self.kwargs.pop('default_domain', 'localhost') auth_header = self.kwargs.pop('auth_header', constants.AUTH_HEADER) if email is None and default_domain: log.debug('No email provided; Using default_domain: %r', default_domain) user = self.get_user() email = '%s@%s' % (user, default_domain) log.debug('Using email: %r', email) if email is not None and '@' not in email: raise LoginFailed('You must provide an email!') = email self.auth_header = auth_header
[docs] @classmethod def get_user(cls): """Get the local username, or if root, the sudo username.""" user = getpass.getuser() if user == 'root': user = os.getenv('SUDO_USER') return user
def __call__(self, r): """Set the auth header.""" r = super(EmailHeaderAuthentication, self).__call__(r) r.headers[self.auth_header] = return r
[docs]class EmailHeaderClient(BaseClient): """Default client using email auth header method.""" authentication_class = EmailHeaderAuthentication required_arguments = ('email', 'default_domain', 'auth_header')
[docs]class AuthTokenAuthentication(BaseClientAuth): """ Special authentication that utilizes auth_tokens. Adds header for "Authorization: ApiToken {email}:{auth_token}" """ def __init__(self, client): super(AuthTokenAuthentication, self).__init__(client) kwargs = self.kwargs base_url = self.base_url email = kwargs.pop('email', None) secret_key = kwargs.pop('secret_key', None) = email self.auth_token = self.get_token(base_url, email, secret_key)
[docs] def get_token(self, base_url, email, secret_key): """ Currently ghetto: Hit the API to get an auth_token. :param base_url: API URL :param email: User's email :param secret_key: User's secret_key """ data = {'email': email, 'secret_key': secret_key} debug_data = data.copy() # For debug display debug_data['secret_key'] = 'X' * 8 log.debug('Getting token for user data: %r' % (debug_data,)) try: url = base_url + '/authenticate/' headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} resp = url, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers ) except Exception as err: log.debug('Got error: %s' % (err,)) self.client.error(err) if resp.ok: log.debug('Got response: %r' % (resp,)) result = get_result(resp)['auth_token'] return result else: msg = 'Failed to fetch auth_token from %s' % base_url err = HttpClientError(msg, response=resp, content=resp.content) self.client.error(err)
def __call__(self, r): r = super(AuthTokenAuthentication, self).__call__(r) header = 'AuthToken %s:%s' % (, self.auth_token) r.headers['Authorization'] = header return r
[docs]class AuthTokenClient(BaseClient): """Client that uses auth_token method.""" authentication_class = AuthTokenAuthentication required_arguments = ('email', 'secret_key')
#: Mapping to our two (2) hard-coded auth methods AUTH_CLIENTS = { 'auth_header': EmailHeaderClient, 'auth_token': AuthTokenClient, } #: Default client class Client = AUTH_CLIENTS[constants.DEFAULT_AUTH_METHOD] def get_auth_client_info(auth_method): """ Return the proper Client class and required args. :param auth_method: Auth method used by the client """ return AUTH_CLIENTS[auth_method]
[docs]def get_api_client(auth_method=None, url=None, extra_args=None, use_dotfile=True): """ Safely create an API client so that users don't see tracebacks. Any arguments taht aren't explicitly passed will be replaced by the contents of the user's dotfile. :param auth_method: Auth method used by the client :param url: API URL :param extra_args: Dict of extra keyword args to be passed to the API client class :param use_dotfile: Whether to read the dotfile or not. """ if extra_args is None: extra_args = {} # Should we read the dotfile? If not, client_args will be an empty dict if use_dotfile: try: log.debug('Reading dotfile.') client_args = dotfile.Dotfile().read() except dotfile.DotfileError as err: raise click.UsageError(err.message) else: client_args = {} # Merge the extra_args w/ the client_args from the config client_args.update(extra_args) # Minimum required arguments that we don't want getting passed to the # client if auth_method is None: auth_method = client_args.pop('auth_method') if url is None: url = client_args.pop('url') # Validate the auth_method log.debug('Validating auth_method: %s', auth_method) try: client_class = get_auth_client_info(auth_method) except KeyError: raise click.UsageError('Invalid auth_method: %s' % (auth_method,)) arg_names = client_class.required_arguments # Allow optional arguments in arg_names optional_args = tuple(constants.OPTIONAL_FIELDS) arg_names += optional_args # Remove non-relavant args for client_arg in client_args.keys(): if client_arg not in arg_names: log.debug( 'Skipping %r in config for auth_method %r' % ( client_arg, auth_method ) ) client_args.pop(client_arg) try: api_client = client_class(url, **client_args) except ClientError as err: msg = str(err) if 'Connection refused' in msg: msg = 'Could not connect to server: %s' % (url,) raise click.UsageError(msg) return api_client