
NSoT supports two methods of authentication and these are implemented in the client:

  1. auth_token
  2. auth_header

The client default is auth_token, but auth_header is more flexible for “zero touch” use.

If sticking with the defaults, you’ll need to retrieve your key from /profile in the web interface.

Refer to Configuration Reference for setting these in your pynsotrc.

Python Client

Assuming your configuration is correct, the CLI interface doesn’t need anything special to make authentication work. The following only applies to retrieving a client instance in Python.

from pynsot.client import AuthTokenClient, EmailHeaderClient, get_api_client

# This is the preferred method, returning the appropriate client according
# to your dotfile if no arguments are supplied.
# Alteratively you can override options by passing url, auth_method, and
# other kwargs. See `help(get_api_client) for more details
c = get_api_client()

# OR using the client objects directly

email = 'jathan@localhost'
secret_key = 'qONJrNpTX0_9v7H_LN1JlA0u4gdTs4rRMQklmQF9WF4='
url = 'http://localhost:8990/api'
c = AuthTokenClient(url, email=email, secret_key=secret_key)

# Email Header Client
domain = 'localhost'
auth_header = 'X-NSoT-Email'
c = EmailHeaderClient(